China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd.


China Southern transported more than 140 million passengers in 2018.

China Southern Airlines operates the largest fleet, most developed route network and largest passenger capacity of any airline in The People’s Republic of China.

Currently, China Southern Airlines operates more than 800 passenger and cargo transport aircrafts, including Boeing 787,777,747& 737 and Airbus A380, A330, A321, A320, A319. The airline fleet is ranked the first in Asia and the third in the world (Data source: IATA, in terms of fleet size) .

China Southern Airlines has formed an extensive network , covering all of China, radiating throughout Asia and linking Europe, America, Oceania & Africa, building an international network-oriented airline.

China Southern operates more than 3000 daily flights to 224 destinations in 40 countries and regions across the world.

In these years China Southern  are committing to build up the Canton Route,making Guangzhou as an international air hub.Now Guangzhou is becoming the first gateway between China mainland and Australasia,Southeast Asia.


目前,南航每天有3000多个航班飞至全球40多个国家和地区、224个目的地,航线网络1000多条,提供座位数超过30万个。通过与合作伙伴密切合作,航线网络延伸到全球更多目的地。近年来,南航持续新开和加密航班网络,强化中转功能,利用第六航权,全力打造“广州之路”(Canton Route)国际航空枢纽,形成了以欧洲、大洋洲两个扇形为核心,以东南亚、南亚、东亚为腹地,全面辐射北美、中东、非洲的航线网络布局,已成为中国大陆至大洋洲、东南亚的第一门户枢纽。 2018年,南航在广州枢纽通航点达到145个,其中国际和地区通航点51个,广州枢纽全年共保障中转旅客442万余人次。


Categories: Transportation