AustCham-SC Strategic Alliances
Australia China Business Council
AustCham Greater China signed a MOU with the Australia China Business Council in 2015 with the key objective of furthering business, investment, cultural and peopleto‐ people ties between Australia and China.
Guangzhou Tianhe Road Chamber of Commerce
AustCham South China signed a MOU with Guangzhou Tianhe Road Chamber of Commerce. The Guangzhou Tianhe Road Chamber of Commerce represents one of the largest commercial business and retail areas in China. This MOU seeks to establish a platform that facilitates the entry of Australian companies and brands into this commercial district.
Australia Guangdong Business Cooperation Council
Australia Guangdong Business Cooperation Council
AustCham South China is a member of Australia Guangdong Business Cooperation Council. The Australia Guangdong Business Cooperation Council (AGBCC) is a joint Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province of China initiative comprising of business representatives from both Australia and Guangdong who represent a myriad of industries including legal and financial services, resources, accounting, logistics and engineering. As a council member, AustCham South China assists Australian and Chinese businesses in promoting opportunities.
Silk Road Investment and Trade Promotion Union
AustCham South China is a founding member of the Silk Road Investment and Trade Promotion Union. The purpose of the union is to promote the nation’s new policy “One Belt, One Road”. AustCham South China is a founding member of the initiative, providing a voice for Australian businesses.