October 27th AustCham x Halloween Happy Hour Drinks

🎃AustCham and our members had our last monthly Happy Hour Drinks of the year at Morton’s last Friday! An amazing night spent with our members and guests! We were glad to have all of you coming over! The dressed-up and face-painting really lighted up the night!

🎃中国澳大利亚商会,和我们的成员上周五一起在莫尔顿扒房度过了今年最后一场Happy Hour Drinks!我们很高兴嘉宾们参加我们的万圣节派对,现场万圣节的气氛非常浓厚,我们提供的万圣节装扮道具和化妆道具给大家当晚增“色”不少!

Event photos 活动照片:

Reception 前台签到处


Awesome Guests and Members


Oh, here is the Best-Dressed Winner 最佳着装获奖者:
