Member News | CPA Australia signs MoC with CICPA at WCOA

From left: The MoC was signed by Mr. Chen Yugui, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of CICPA, Mr. Zhao Mingji, President of CICPA, Mr. Peter Wilson, President and Chairman of the Board of CPA Australia, and Mr. Andrew Hunter, CEO of CPA Australia.

从左至右:中国注册会计师协会常务副会长兼秘书长陈毓圭先生、会长赵鸣骥先生、与澳洲会计师公会会长及董事会主席Peter Wilson先生、首席执行官Andrew Hunter何安德先生共同在合作协议上签字



CPA Australia has today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) at the 20th World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) in Sydney.

The MoC is designed to facilitate closer collaboration between the two bodies, enhance the international standard of accounting professionals and broaden the opportunities for members from both bodies.

The MoC was signed by Mr. Zhao Mingji, President of CICPA, Mr. Chen Yugui, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of CICPA, Mr. Peter Wilson, President and Chairman of the Board of CPA Australia, and Mr. Andrew Hunter, CEO of CPA Australia. The MoC signing ceremony took place at the International Convention Centre in Sydney and was witnessed by more than 50 representatives from both bodies.

CPA Australia President and Chairman Peter Wilson said the signing of the MoC with CICPA was a significant milestone in the relationship that the two professional accounting bodies have enjoyed since the early 1990s.

“CPA Australia is very proud of our history of collaboration with CICPA, particularly our International Partnership Program, which offered 50 members from CICPA the opportunity to study the CPA Program and obtain the CPA Australia designation between 2007 to 2010.

“The MoC signed today will further strengthen our relationship by facilitating more opportunities for collaboration on projects that will directly benefit our members, including carrying out research that will provide insight into some of the changes occurring in the accounting profession.

“We will also have the opportunity to create more continued professional development resources for our members, while elevating standards and maintaining the sustainability of the accounting profession”, Mr Wilson said.

About CPA Australia

CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with more than 163,000 members working in 125 countries and regions, including more than 18,000 members in the Greater China region. Our core services to members includes education, training, technical support and advocacy. Employees and members work together with local and international bodies to represent the views and concerns of the profession to governments, regulators, industries, academia and the community.

About the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA), founded in 1988, is a statutory organisation under the guidance of the Ministry of Finance and the Council PRC, undertaking the functions stipulated in the “CPA Law” and the institute’s constitution. CICPA now has over 106,020 practicing members (Certified Public Accountant), 141,548 non-practicing members (including 601 non-practicing members in foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), with a total number of individual members reaching 247,568.

About WCOA

Held every four years, the World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) is the premier event for accounting and finance professionals and is known as the “Olympics of accounting”. This year, more than 6,000 professionals from 130 countries have attended WCOA in Sydney and heard from world-class leaders and visionaries and engaged with the important issues facing the accounting profession.

Media Enquiry:

CPA Australia PR Manager
Ms. Carmen Pan
Tel: +852 2202 2722 / +852 5318 9655




[悉尼,2018 年 11 月 6 日] 在悉尼举行的第 20 届“世界会计师大会”上,中国注册会计师协会与全球最大的专业会计团体 之一澳洲会计师公会签署合作协议,旨在携手推动两国会计行业的职业化和国际化进程,培养更多具有国际视野的会计人 才。中国注册会计师协会会长赵鸣骥先生、常务副会长兼秘书长陈毓圭先生,与澳洲会计师公会会长及董事会主席 Peter Wilson 先生、首席执行官 Andrew Hunter 何安德先生共同在合作协议上签字,双方共有近 50 名代表出席并见证了该签约 仪式。

协议签署恰逢每四年一度、被誉为“会计行业奥林匹克盛会”的—世界会计师大会,有 6,000 多位来自全球商业、金融、 会计行业的专业人士出席这一业界盛会,因此在此重大场合签署合作协议,对双方都具有非凡意义。合作协议涉及双方合 作开展专题研究、持续专业发展、信息技术合作和加强沟通等合作领域,并共同致力提升会计行业的专业价值和标准。此 外,2018 年是中国对外改革开放四十周年,加上“一带一路”倡议带来的商机,协议的签署有助中国会计行业全面贯彻“走 出去”的战略,顺应商界对具备国际视野的专业会计人才的渴求,有助会员之间交流沟通和合作,以及加强中澳企业间的 友好合作和商贸往来。

澳洲会计师公会与中国注册会计师协会自上世纪九十年代起已建立友好的合作关系。自 2007 年起,公会与中国注册会 计师协会合作开展“澳洲注册会计师国际培训项目”( International Partnership Program),为中国会计行业培养具有国际 化视野,领导才能和专业技能的杰出人才。在 2007 年至 2010 年期间,有 50 名中国注册会计师协会的领军人才参与了该 项目并成功获得澳洲注册会计师的专业资格。新的协议签署后,双方的合作将上升到全新的战略意义,有助于开展更为深 入的对话和合作交流,为双方的会员提供更丰富全面的持续专业发展机会,以及推动亚太地区经济发展及提升会计行业的 专业水平。两会的代表都热切期待未来的紧密合作。


澳洲会计师公会为全球最大的专业会计团体之一,于 1886 年成立,目前在全球 125 个国家及地区拥有超过 163 000 名会 员,会员担任高层领导职位的人数逾 25 000 名,大中华地区的会员人数已超过 18 000 名。公会为会员提供的核心服务包 括培训教育、技术支援以及宣传倡议。雇员和会员与本地及国际机构共同致力向政府、监管机构、行业、学术界及公众就 会计专业关注的议题表达意见和建议。


中国注册会计师协会(以下简称“中注协”)成立于 1988 年 11 月,是中华人民共和国财政部党组织领导下的法定组织,承 担着《注册会计师法》赋予的职能和协会章程规定的职能。中注协现有执业会员(注册会计师)106 020 人、非执业会员141 548 人(其中国外及港澳台地区非执业会员 601 人),个人会员总数达到 247 568 人。


每四年一度的世界会计师大会是专为财会界专业人士举行的行业盛会,被誉为“会计界的奥林匹克”。今年,将有 6,000多位来自全球 130 个国家的商业、金融、会计行业的专业人士到澳大利亚悉尼出席这一业界盛事,聆听全球知名的意 见领袖分享和参与关于会计专业发展的重大议题。


澳洲会计师公会 公共关系经理 潘懿莊女士
电话:+852 2202 2722 / +852 5318 9655
