As Founding International Principal of a school in Guangzhou, I have increasingly operated in education according to the Latin phrase ‘Spectemur Agendo’: let us be known by our actions. So when a friend of the School invited me to a charity drive, I therefore saw this opportunity as no exception. 作为广州的创始国际校长, 我越来越多地按照拉丁的谚语 “Spectemur Agendo” 来从事教育工作:躬体力行。因此, 当学校的一位朋友邀请我参与慈善社区服务时, 二话不说马上參与。
So from last Semester on every Wednesday evening, I began volunteering on behalf of our school at a local Guangzhou charity that aims to improve living conditions for Chinese citizens on the brink of starvation by providing them with food, clothes and shelter…and sometimes just someone to talk to. The charity is simply called ‘Homeless Guangzhou’. 因此, 从上一学期每周三晚上开始, 我开始在广州当地一家慈善机构代表 做志愿者, 该慈善机构旨在通过为风餐露宿的中国市民提供食物、衣服和住所等来改善他们的生活条件,有时仅仅是与他们交谈。这家慈善机构被称为 “无家可归的广州”。是一个由5名杂合着本地和外籍人士组成的慈善组织。
The evening begins with everyone meeting in the basement carpark of a luxurious shopping mall in downtown Guangzhou at around 830pm. Heading to the meeting point for the first time I was not quite sure what to expect. Upon arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find a ‘mixed bag’ of locals and expats. It was a great opportunity for me to practice my Mandarin…and for many of my new local friends to practice their English! I was then allocated to a group of strangers: an Indian man who’d been living and working in Guangzhou for 20 years, a UK university exchange student, a ‘wai di ren’ (Chinese but not originally from Guangzhou) who worked in digital marketing and a French lady who worked in business development for a cosmetics company.在晚上八点半左右, 志愿者们在广州市区內一所豪华购物中心会面。第一次与他们聚集在一起, 我不太清楚会有什么令人期待的事发生。抵达后, 我惊喜地发现同伴当中既有当地人也有外国人,这对我来说是一个练习普通话的好机会,而且可以帮助新的本地朋友练习英语。随后, 我被分配到一个全是陌生人小组: 一个在广州生活和工作了 2 0年的印度男人, 一个英国大学交换生, 一个从事数字营销工作的外地人(中国人, 但不是来自广州), 还有一位在广州从事化妆品公司的业务发展的法国女士 。

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