Investment New South Wales

We make opportunities happen
It’s our role to deliver economic and social benefits for the people of NSW by growing the state’s economy. This work helps to make NSW a prosperous, inclusive and a thriving global hub for business, innovation, talent, visitors and residents.

We achieve this by targeting opportunities aligned to our key pillars:

Boosting research and development
Fostering start-ups and innovations
Growing priority sectors and precincts
Attracting global talent and investment
Exporting to the world.

How we can help
When partnering with Investment NSW, we can support you in securing:

payroll tax exemptions
co-funding opportunities
accelerated planning approvals
long term leases of government-owned land
streamlined regulation
connections to rapidly growing global markets and assistance with growth and exports
co-investment in skills development and training
business and talent in connected and liveable places and precincts.


Categories: Government