Community Service and Social Justice in International Schools: A China Perspective. 中国视角:国际学校与社区服务和社会公义 By Alexander Paltos …

Community Service and Social Justice in International Schools: A China Perspective. 中国视角:国际学校与社区服务和社会公义 By Alexander Paltos …
China has implemented the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TAX LAW since 1st January,2018. What does this mean to people doing business in China? Should we worry about paying more tax money? Below are some Q&As about this law and hope it can help business of all types. Q1: What is the difference between EPT and …
‘2019年3月19日,葡睿酒业(Pran Wines)携手澳大利亚誉嘉葡萄酒集团(Accolade Wines,下称誉嘉集团)共同签署合作协议,代理誉嘉集团旗下三大品牌。 三大品牌分别为:“巴罗萨红五星名庄”圣哈利(St.Hallett)、”澳大利亚起泡酒王者”阿拉斯(House of Arras)及“环保先锋酒庄”班洛克(Banrock Station),开启澳大利亚精品酒在中国市场的新篇章。 签约仪式在成都明宇豪雅饭店举行。正值百届春糖之际,近百位葡萄酒业内人士、客户代表、媒体们集聚一堂,共同见证这一历史性的时刻。 签约时刻葡睿酒业总经理Baron Hong先生(左)誉嘉集团中国区总经理Julian Zhou先生(右)澳洲葡睿AWE平台董事总经理,葡睿酒业总经理Baron Hong先生,葡睿酒业副总经理Jassie Dong女士,誉嘉集团中国区总经理Julian Zhou先生,誉嘉集团中国区销售总监Jerry Xu先生,誉嘉集团大客户经理Tina Sun女士,Angela Chen女士共同出席本次仪式。 誉嘉集团大客户经理Angela Chen女士 带领大家了解誉嘉集团 澳大利亚在中国具有良好的市场基础,有着较高的大众接受度。双方均表示,此次合作覆盖精品品牌及高性价比品牌,消费者及客户群体更为广泛,这对提升澳大利亚葡萄酒在中国市场的向上发展将有着重大的推动作用。相信未来在双方的强强联合下,一定能产生强大势能。 葡睿酒业简介 葡睿酒业是业内知名的澳大利亚精品葡萄酒的品牌运营商和进口商,总部在墨尔本,分别在上海和广州设有分公司。葡睿酒业致力于与澳大利亚经典葡萄酒产区内品质超群的家族酒庄紧密合作,通过旗下澳大利亚葡萄酒出口平台(Australian Wine Exports,简称AWE),为澳大利亚五星酒庄和国内进口商服务。 葡睿酒业获得多个业内权威机构肯定 AWE平台帮助澳洲酒庄在中国市场寻找可信赖的进口商和经销商并负责品牌的市场推广活动,同时能为国内进口商提供评估筛选、价格谈判、品牌战略、现货仓储等服务。葡睿产品畅销高级餐厅、五星级酒店、精品超市、私人会所。由于其对澳洲精品酒庄品牌推广的杰出贡献,葡睿酒业先后被澳大利亚葡萄酒管理局(Wine Australia)以及法国知名葡萄酒评论家团队贝丹+德梭(bettane +desseauve)授予“最佳澳洲葡萄酒进口商”称号。 誉嘉葡萄酒集团简介 创立于1851年,誉嘉葡萄酒集团澳大利亚产能最大的葡萄酒生产商,世界第五大葡萄酒公司之一,是英国和爱尔兰市场份额最大的葡萄酒集团,致力于成为新世界优质、商业和高价值葡萄酒的全球领先供应商,并为客户提供卓越的品质和服务。 誉嘉葡萄酒集团每年向140多个国家提供约3800万箱葡萄酒,旗下拥有51个品牌,覆盖5大产酒国,在澳大利亚拥有夏(Hardy’s) 、阿拉斯(House of Arras)、圣哈利(St.Hallett)、班洛克(Banrcok Station)等10余家红五星级酒庄及商业品牌。 代理品牌一览 – 圣哈利 St.Hallett – ▼James Halliday红五星酒庄巴罗萨老藤文化的缔造者巴罗萨葡萄酒行业领军者圣哈利老藤西拉入选兰顿分级优秀级 代理酒款 圣哈利奖赏赤霞珠红葡萄酒St Hallett Reward …
AustCham South China is proud to present a “News Feeds” column in our WeChat Official Account every Friday, sharing industry information. Our WeChat official account has 4126 subscribers and most of them are from the business community in South China. AustCham South China is offering our members an opportunity to submit content that can …
Make it with Mimir Are you an Individual or Organisation who need to adapt and evolve with the changes we face in the coming years? Then Mimir Consulting is the learning partner for you. Mimir Consulting’s products are based on transformational learning methods and development for higher performance to deal with change and disruption. …
Whilst the internationalizing of higher education is a concept dating back to the medieval period, the development of ‘international’ or ‘transnational education’ schooling, curriculum and systems is relatively recent. Historically, international schools emerged as a way to service expatriate’s children in foreign nations, through mirroring curriculums and systems from their home countries. These new schools …
吃货们,午安! 昨天的澳大利亚牛扒小课堂有学到烹调的技巧吗? (点击进入牛肉篇) 优质的澳大利亚牛肉简单烹调就能 把鲜美的口感肉汁带入菜品, 直击味蕾! 而喜欢海鲜的童鞋们今天要认真做好笔记 快来看看澳大利亚厨神们是怎样烹调美味的海鲜大餐吧! 当然,按照Austrade的优良传统, 文末互动赢福利环节礼品丰富千万不要错过了~ 今天的主角们是来自南澳大利亚的蓝贻贝和剥皮鱼。 本次Austrade准备了“澳大利亚猪年好运福袋”(十份)包含:澳大利亚星曼农庄优质碧根果仁、上海雷都国际公司提供的经典黄油饼干、还有各式小食和实用好物等等不容错过哦! 要获得幸运“福袋”的粉丝们,只需: 关注Austrade并按下本文“好看” 文末留言分享你的创意新春年菜,同时鼓励通过图片、视频等形式与Austrade分享你的年夜美食 Austrade将抽取最有创意和有趣的十条粉丝留言送上福袋! 活动日期:即日起至2019年2月22日 More information please click here
. New year, a brand-new beginning. Celebrate Chinese New Year’s Eve at Salon, Park Hyatt’s exquisite event venue, with breathtaking views of Canton Tower and tailor-made menus at CNY 10,888 net inclusive of two bottles of wine for ten to twelve persons, or CNY 8,888 net inclusive of one bottle of wine for six to …
Nominations Deadline Extended to 27 January Last chance to nominate your business for a 2019 Australia-China Business Excellence Award (ACBA). For the past 26 years the ACBA program has recognised outstanding Australian, Hong Kong and Chinese companies operating in Greater China across both markets. The ACBAs are the pre-eminent program celebrating the success of Australian, Hong …